Thursday, June 19, 2008

Some Dude vs. Chris Martin

We've seen it 1,000 times. Coldplay releases amazing album featuring summer song Viva la Vida. Album shoots to top of charts. Chris Martin gets celebratory BJ from Gwyneth. Some dude (Andrew Hoepfner of Creaky Boards) says CM stole the song from him after attending a Creaky Boards show in NYC. Story detailed here. Be sure to check out the bulleted comparison of the bands at the end of the piece. Strangely enough, no one but Stringer actually believes that Coldplay stole their #1 single from some HD in NY. Hoepfner put together a little Youtube ditty to let you be the judge. Enjoy.


Matt Stringer said...

First of all.....Coldplay that they managed to write a few good tunes on this album blows my mind....second there is NO denying the incredible similarity in the melody between Viva La Vida and Creaky Boards (I don't even know what the song is called)....With that said....I will take the word over someone I've never heard, nor met before over that of Martin anyday.

Evil Urges. Best Album of '08. Will remain so.

Matt Stringer said...

I also forgot to mention I loved the comparison as the "Heir apparent to Bono." Good to see the The Bono handing down his douchebag thrown to the next narcissistic crappy musician Chris Martin. Maybe they can get together and make REALLY shitty music together as both U2 and Coldplay are incredibly overrated

Cross said...

coldplay sucks.

Jeff Starr said...

The BONO v. Martin comparisons off this album are coming from the Brian Eno production of the album......
u guys are haters, COLDPLAY RULES!