First of all, swearing is cool and all, but trying to book shows, sell albums and get your name up on posters is a lot easier if your name doesn't consist of the word fuck.
Has their ever been a band of notoriety with such a brash and gratuitous name?
For every relatively successful band like Revolting Cocks and Buzzcocks, you've got The Dicks and simply, Fuck. Which end of the spectrum Holy Fuck will end up on is yet to be determined.
Once I got over the annoyance, or maybe its just shock, of their name, the blend of lo-fi, electronica and improv rock turned out to be worthy of future consideration.
Heres what's so fucking rad about Holy Fuck: the ideology of the group is predicated upon creating electronic music without the help of looping, splicing and programming.
The show is a frantic yet melodic, uptempo example of electro rock that engages and tears at the audience through the whole set. Sans laptop, their electronica pulses and reverbs through the jam sessions with ripe guitar riffs and pounding and pulsating drum and bass.
Holy Fuck might not become your new favorite band but, they're sure worthy of your $14 and a night out of live music instead of staying at home on the couch with your Wii.
Check them out at at your local music hall as they're traveling the country through the end of March with Super Furry Animals.
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